共為你找到:200筆chinese mobile in india 相關企業資訊
Salcomp Plc develops and manufactures chargers for mobile phone and other electronic devices. Salcomp is the market leader in mobile phone chargers, and the main customers include the major mobile phone manufacturers. Power adapters based on Salcomps own product platforms are suitable also for cordless fixed-line phones, Bluetooth headsets, media players, modems and routers, point-of-sales devices, as well as for netbooks Salcomps production plants are located in Shenzhen in China, in Manaus in Brazil and in Chennai in India. In addition to these locations, Salcomp has operations in Salo in Finland, in Leesburg in the USA, in S?o Paolo in Brazil and in Taipei in Taiwan, as well as in Tokyo in Japan. Salcomp has some 9 ,000 employees. Salcomp Plc’s shares are quoted on the Main list of the NASDAQ OMX Nordic in Helsinki, in the Industrials sector .The capital of Finalnd HQ is 260 M Eur.
We are a social enterprise. Health Olive Corp. is founded to be a social enterprise providing Chinese Olive Powders to benefit people's health. With a vision of bringing well-being to people and harmony to the environment, we are the pioneer introducing health benefits of the Chinese olive to the western countries. We are committed to promoting natural health, because we care about people. Producing Chinese olive natural food supplement, we ensure what we do is benefiting people and bringing value to communities. We are sort of Fair Trade. To provide natural food supplement, we work directly with Chinese olive farmers on mountains in Taiwan and help them make living from harvest and protect nature environment. Being thankful to the Mother Nature, we dedicate ourselves to protecting nature environment and producing non-polluted Chinese olives. In Taiwan, our Chinese olives are planted on hillside of 500 meters high, with the way of natural farming and with no chemical and pesticide. We have passion for life, for people, and for natural health. According to Chinese ancients practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern research, and our product experiences of 20 years, we have learned great benefits of Chinese olives in helping people maintain and restore health. Having years in research and development, we want to introduce the precious green/ orange label Chinese Olive Powder made of Chinese olives to the world and to benefit everyone’s health. Having support from our local government of agriculture and cooperation with Industrial Technology Research Institute, we have been very successful in manufacturing Chinese Olive Powders for more than 20 years. Under guidance of ISO 22000 and HACCP, we provide high quality of Chinese Olive Powders for people to maintain and restore health.
Looking for Sales Assistant. CNE Direct, Inc. --- We are a successful, fast-growing American distribution company, focused on buying selling Computer Components. Our company is headquartered in USA, with sales offices in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Korea, and India. We are looking for motivated young people to join our Taipei office. We provide international business training. Past experience a basic understanding of computers is helpful, but not required. A successful Sales Assistant will eventually be promoted to Sales or Purchasing. An ideal candidate will exhibit a strong hunger for success, and will also show a history of leadership in work, school, or extra-curricular activities. Mandarin Chinese + English reading/writing/speaking is mandatory.
IN LOOK professional-hair,專做美髮設計,剪燙染,公司的使用坪數為80坪,有最in 軟硬體的設備,設有vip室彩妝整體造型,和平面廣告,合作
大山網路有限公司位於台北市內湖區,營業登記地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段244號3樓,大山網路有限公司的統一編號:42636503,營業稅籍分類屬於:電腦及電腦週邊設備批發,大山網路有限公司的負責人是姜璌遂 (KANG IN SOO),資本額:13,300,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立。 大山網路有限公司的地址位於
Acoustic Technologies creates high quality, hands-free, audio processing software, semiconductor, and system solutions for leading telecom manufacturers worldwide. The SoundClear brand of patented full-duplex communication, echo cancellation, and noise reduction solutions is enabling significant advancements in telecommunications voice quality and is proven in millions of products around the globe. SoundClear provides natural bi-directional communication in mobile phones, hands-free car kits, Bluetooth accessories, VoIP telephones, conference phones, and other speakerphone enabled products.
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